Archive for the ‘Movie Ideas’ Category

New sequel to a classic film: The Shawshank Redemption 2

November 19, 2009

In this day and age it seems that Hollywood is at a lose for new and fresh ideas when it comes to films. I thought I could help this situation out by purposing some ideas for the next blockbuster film.

Here’s a gem that’s just waiting to be made.

The Shawshank Redemption 2: The Quest for Brook’s Gold

“Several years after Red and Andy left Shawshank for good they’ve found themselves falling on hard times. Its then that Red remembers the legend that would pass around Shawshank’s walls: the legend of Brook’s gold. It was said that Brooks, before he was released, hid a considerable sum of money directly under Shawshank! Andy and Red are going to have to do the unthinkable to make their big score: Get back into Shawshank! But there’s a twist that even Andy the genius couldn’t have anticipated: Shawshank has since been converted into a woman’s prison! Andy and Red are going to be way in over their heads as they have to not only get back into Shawshank, find Brook’s buried gold, but also convince the guards and inmates that they’re female detainees! Its going to be one heck of a ride as Red and Andy find out that there’s a whole other side to the walls of Shawshank! Andy was the first man to break out of Shawshank, can he be the first woman? Find out this Summer!”


I’m still waiting on word from the studios, but I’m pretty sure they may want to go the route of CGI in this film.